Republic Acts

Republic Act No. 9729

October 23, 2009

An Act Mainstreaming Climate Change into Government Policy Formulations, Establishing the Framework, Strategy and Program on Climate Change, Creating for this Purpose the Climate Change Commission, and for Other Purposes


Administrative Orders

Administrative Order No. 220

May 8, 1991

Creating an Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change

Administrative Order No. 171

February 20, 2007

Creating the Presidential Task Force on Climate Change


Executive Orders

Executive Order No. 320

June 25, 2004

Designating the Department of Environment and Natural Resources as the National Authority

for Clean Development Mechanism

Executive Order No. 774

December 26, 2008

Reorganizing the Presidential Task Force on Climate Change

Executive Order No. 785

February 26, 2009

Mandating the Presidential Task Force on Climate Change to Develop the National Climate Change Framework, Directing the Task Group on Information to Develop and Coordinate a National Information, Education and Communications Program, and Directing the Presidential Adviser on Climate Change to Review Government Climate Change Programs and Official Development Assistance Projects

Executive Order No. 881

April 26, 2010

Authorizing the Climate Change Commission to Coordinate Existing Climate Change Initiatives, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation – Plus, and Other Similar Mechanism

Executive Order No. 43

May 13, 2011

Pursuing our Social Contract with the Filipino People through the Reorganization of the Cabinet Clusters

Executive Order No. 24

May 16, 2017

Reorganizing the Cabinet Cluster System by Integrating Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in the Policy Frameworks of all the Clusters and Creating the Infrastructure Cluster and Participatory Governance Cluster



Proclamation No. 1667

June 25, 2004

Declaring November 19 to 25, 2008 and Every Year Thereafter as “Global Warming and Climate Change Consciousness Week”


Climate Change Commission Administrative Orders

Administrative Order No. 2010-01

January 20, 2010

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 9729


DENR Administrative Orders

Administrative Order No. 2005-17

August 31, 2005

Rules and Regulations Governing the Implementation of Executive Order No. 320, Series of 2004, Designating the DENR as the National Authority for the Clean Development Mechanism

Administrative Order No. 2009-04

March 31, 2009

Creation of the Climate Change Office Under the Office of the Secretary

Administrative Order No. 2016-13

June 17, 2016

Reconstituting and Institutionalizing the Climate Change Office to be called Climate Change Service, in the Office of the Secretary

Administrative Order No. 2021-22 July 13, 2021 Guidelines on Mainstreaming, Cascading, and Institutionalizing Climate Change Concerns in the Environment and Natural Resources Priority Programs


DENR Special Orders 

Special Order No. 2008-686

September 20, 2008

Creation of the Project Steering Committee and Technical Working Group for the Implementation of the GTZ’s Adaptation to Climate Change and Conservation of the Biodiversity in the Philippines

Special Order No. 2009-32

January 21, 2009

Designating of Over-All Coordinator of Climate Change-Related Programs, Projects and Activities

Special Order No. 2009-277

March 31, 2009

Designating the Personnel for the Climate Change Office

Special Order No. 2009-562

June 29, 2009

Designating Undersecretary Mary Ann Lucille L. Sering as fulltime DENR Coordinator for Climate Change

Special Order No. 2009-824

October 21, 2009

Designation of Undersecretary Demetrio L. Ignacio, Jr. as Oversight Official for Climate Change

Special Order No. 2009-902

November 20, 2009

Amending Special Order No. 2008-686 Series of 2008 Providing for Additional Members and Alternate Members to Project Steering Committee (PSC) and Designation of Focal Person per Component for the Adaptation to Climate Change and Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCBio) Project

Special Order No. 2010-14

January 08, 2010

Composition of the Climate Change Office

Special Order No. 2010-69

January 26, 2010

Designation of Technical Focal Bureau and Service/Office for Climate Change

Special Order No. 2010-148

February 25, 2010

Authority to Conduct a Round-Table Discussion on Moving Forward with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Multilateral Process

Special Order No. 2010-186

March 09, 2010

Designating Undersecretary Teresita Samson Castillo as DENR Coordinator for Climate Change

Special Order No. 2010-410

May 24, 2010

Designation of EMB Dir. Juan Miguel T. Cuna as In-Charge, Office of the Executive Director, Climate Change Office

Special Order No. 2010-523

July 06, 2010

Authorizing the Conduct of a Follow-on Workshop of the Philippines Climate Change Adaptation Project Phase 1 (PhilCCAP1) and the Chillers Energy Efficiency Project to finalize the PIP, Operations Manual, TORs and Procurement Plan

Special Order No. 2011-09

January 10, 2011

DENR’s Focal Person and Alternate Representative to the Technical Working Group of the Climate Change Office of the Climate Change Commission

Special Order No. 2011-143

February 10, 2011

Amending Special Order No. 2009-902 Expanding the Functions of the Project Steering Committee to include the Coordination and Supervision to the Project “Climate-Relevant Modernization of the National Forest Policy and Piloting of REDD Measures in the Philippines”

Special Order No. 2011-383

May 17, 2011

Designation of Ms. Lilia Raflores as the DENR Climate Change Office (CCO) Coordinator

Special Order No. 2016-391

June 24, 2016

Designation of Elenida R. Basug as OIC Director, Climate Change Service

Special Order No. 2017 – 335

April 17, 2017

Designation of Undersecretaries

Special Order No. 2017 – 598

August 01, 2017

Designation of Undersecretary Analiza Rebuelta-Teh as the National Program Director for the Philippine Green Climate Fund Readiness Program

Special Order No. 2017 – 599

August 01, 2017

Designation of Undersecretary Analiza Rebuelta-Teh as the Focal Point of the National Designated Authority for the Green Climate Fund

Special Order No. 2020-470 November 26, 2020 Designating the Internal Organizational Set up of the DENR as Chairperson of and Secretariat to the Inter-Agency Task Force Build Back Better and its Organizational Structure


Frameworks, Strategies and Agreements

Kyoto Protocol


Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change



United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


December 1999

The Philippines’ Initial National Communication on Climate Change


April 28, 2010

National Framework Strategy on Climate Change 2010-2022


June 2010

Philippine Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation