PPR CoverPage

Performance and Projects Roadmap (2018-2022):

A Briefer

 PreSONA Report 2017-2018 Pre SONA Report of the Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Climate Change 101
CCA BestPractices

 Climate Change Adaptation

Best Practices in the Philippines

ll flyer Ligtas Lindol
univs ENVT List of Universities and Colleges in the Philippines with Envt Courses
CCAMDRRBriefer Thumb

Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Briefer

presona2019 thumb 2018-2019 Pre SONA Report of the Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
RRP TriFold Managing Climate Risk and the Risk Resiliency Program 
webinar1 Webinar on Pursuing Climate-, Gender- & Health-responsive Biodiversity Management Programs 
webinar2  Webinar on Pursuing Climate-, Gender- & Health-responsive Forest Management Programs 
 webinar3  Webinar on Pursuing Climate-, Gender- & Health-responsive Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Programs 
webinar4  Webinar on Pursuing Climate-, Gender- & Health-responsive Water Quality Management Programs 
 webinar5  Webinar on Pursuing Climate-, Gender- & Health-responsive Air Quality Management Programs 
webinar6 Webinar on Pursuing Climate-, Gender- & Health-responsive Land Management Programs  
webinar7  Webinar on Pursuing Climate-, Gender- & Health-responsive Mineral Resources Development Programs 
Screen Shot 2021 03 21 at 2.16.39 PM Risk Resiliency Program Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework Report
UNDP Final Report A Study on the Implications of IPCC Special Report on the Impact of Global Warming of 1.5C to the Plans and Programs of the DENR
cover nino nina Ang Paglalakbay nina Nino at Nina
YICAToolKit CoverPage Youth in Climate Action Toolkit (UNICEF)