Individual Category
1st Place: The Ifugao Muyong: Perpetuating a Forest Legacy by Moises Butic
2nd Place: The Rebirth of Our Philippine Ylang-ylang by Leopoldo B. Bataoil
Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment, and Climate Change Award: I Can Make a Difference by Grachelle Andrea B. Guevara
Climate Technology for Resilience Award: BIOPHIL by Raheemah Hafsah Pangarungan
Group Category
1st Place and Climate Technology for Resilience Award: iRISE UP by Quezon City LGU
2nd Place: YES-O by Kabasalan National High School’s Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (KNHS)
Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment, and Climate Change Award: Talaandig Community Mitigating Climate Change by Bayawon Lucday Lungayan Pendonay Tandacol Tribal Association, Inc. (BLLuPenTTrAs, Inc.)
Local Government Unit Category
1st Place and Climate Technology for Resilience Award: The Baguio City Smart and Gender-inclusive Flood Early Warning, Information and Mitigation System by Baguio City
2nd Place: Restoring Cagayan River: A H.O.P.E. To Build Back Life Better: A H.O.P.E. To Build Back Life Better by Cagayan Province
Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment, and Climate Change Award: Baliwag Environmental Convergence Program by Baliwag LGU