Below are CCAM-DRR-related initiatives of Member-Agencies

  • DENR Initiatives


    Related programs and initiatives of DENR agencies are:

    Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)

    – Sustainable Coral Reef Ecosystems Management Program/

    Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management Program

    - Coastal Resources Management Program (with ERDB)

    - Implementation of National Integrated Protected Areas System

    – Integrated Coastal Management Program

    - Coral Triangle Initiative

    - Coral Reef Visualization and Assessment

    Climate Change Service (CCS)

    - Support to the DENR as Chair to the CCAM-DRR Cabinet Cluster

    - Risk Resiliency and Sustainability Program

    - Capacity Building  on Mainstreaming CCAM-DRR among DENR CC Focal Persons

    - National Climate Change Consciousness Week Celebrations

    - Communications Program on Climate Change

    Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)

    - Air and Water Quality Management Program

    - Solid, Toxic and Hazardous  Waste management

    - Conduct and submission of GHG Inventory reports- entity level for both EMB Central and Regional Offices*

    - Climate proofing and mainstreaming of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) at EMB and other plans and programs of agencies and LGUs

    - Data Documentation on Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol

    Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau (ERDB)

    - Mangrove and Beach Forest Development Project

    - Coastal Resources Management Program (with BMB)

    - Research, Development and Extension Programs on:

    a) Forests Ecosystems Resiliency and Sustainability;

    b) Ecosystems Dynamics and Sustainable Management of Coastal and Freshwater Ecosystems;

    c) Promoting Ecosystems Health and Sustainability of Urban Areas through Research and Development;

    d) Addressing Hazards in the Watersheds for Water Supply Sufficiency and Resource Availability;

    e) Enhancing Resilience of Wetlands and Coastal Areas to Support Biodiversity Conservation and Ecotourism Development;

    f) Conservation and Sustainable Management of Natural and Plantation Forests;

    g) Stabilizing Mined-Out and Degraded Areas Through Rehabilitation Technologies; and

    h) Pollution Abatement through Integrated Management of Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes in Highly Urbanized Areas

    - Studies on a) GHG fluxes in Philippine mangroves, b) blue carbon sequestration of seagrass meadows, and c) estimation of carbon sequestration rates and carbon density of forest plantations in the Philippines.

    Forest Management Bureau (FMB)


    - Enhanced National Greening Program

    - National Forest Protection Program

    - Implementation of REDD+ program


    Land Management Bureau (LMB)

    - Implementation of Provincial Foreshore Management and Development Plan

    Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)

    National Geohazard Mapping Program

    National Water Resources Board (NWRB)

    - Development of Groundwater Management Plan

    - Establishment of Groundwater Monitoring Stations in Water Constrained areas

    - Comprehensive Water Resources Assessment of Major River Basins

    - Amendment of the Water Code of the Philippine to incorporate current issues on water and possible impacts of climate change.

    River Basin Coordinating Office (RBCO)

    Climate Change-responsive Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plans

  • Other CCAM-DRR Agencies
    Department of Agriculture

    DA ppt

    Department of Energy DOE ppt
    Department of Transporation DOTr ppt