The drafting of the Action Plan is in compliance with the 2017 State of the Nation Address Directive from the Cabinet Secretary, directing the DENR, as lead, with the Department of Agriculture (DA), and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to formulate the said plan.

Anchored on the CCAM-DRR Cluster Roadmap, the Earthquake Resiliency Plan of the Greater Metro Manila Area (GMMA) was presented during the 3rd meeting of the Cabinet Cluster in October 2017 with disaster resiliency measures in anticipation of the big earthquake.

Program Convergence Budgeting (PCB), formerly known as Program Budget Approach is a significant innovation adopted by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). PCB provides an opportunity to strengthen convergence amongst National Government Agenciess and aids in scaling up climate response.

The DBM assigned the DENR to lead and coordinate the formulation of the Risk Resiliency Program (RRP) by developing and adopting a Risk Resiliency and Sustainability Program Guidance Document, and conducting a consultative process to formulate the objectives, outcomes, and program review criteria.

The CCAM Cabinet Cluster formulated the Risk Resiliency Program (RRP) as a framework program to assist the Philippine government in delivering the outcomes for KRA-5, particularly on strengthening the resiliency of natural ecosystems and the adaptive capacity of vulnerable groups and communities to short- and long-term risks using a landscape management approach in the selected major and principal river basins.

Building on the progress made in RRP, further steps were deemed necessary in order improve the process and content towards poverty reduction and sustainable development.  Hence, the RRP has moved forward with the Risk Resiliency and Sustainability Program (RRSP).

The RRSP is envisioned as a framework program for convergence, through which considerable budgetary resources, programs, and activities of national government agencies, in partnership with LGUs and other stakeholders, could be better prioritized, targeted, implemented and sustained to strengthen the resiliency of communities, natural systems, and built environment.

The focus areas of the RRSP include the eight priority climate vulnerable provinces as shown below:

The SPCR is a framework program to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of responses to climate change.  The SPCR for the Philippines is called the Risk Resiliency and Sustainability Program (RRSP).

The RRSP supports and is strongly aligned with the Philippine government’s long-term and medium-term development plans.  The RRSP is designed to help operationalize in an integrated, coherent and phased manner the: (a) Philippines’ national resilience program called the Risk Resiliency Program (RRP); (b) National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP); and(c) the Local Climate Change Action Plans (LCCAP) at the LGU level.  The DENR leads the implementation of the RRSP.