Learning from our COVID-19 experience, how can we better prepare for future emerging diseases and in reducing vulnerability to disasters?
The emergence and prevalence of COVID-19 poses a set-back to the resiliency that we have painstakingly gained. With the coming of the rainy day season, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council is prepared to address these compounding challenges. There is a need to sustain partnership and this is key in the unity of leadership and governance during the COVID – 19 pandemic.
As we leverage the lessons learned in 2020 and 2021 of battling against COVID-19, the government, private sector, civil society organizations and other humanitarian actors are working together to save lives and to ensure continuity of livelihood and employment while ensuring safety of frontliners, continuous implementation of the Prevent-Detect-Isolate-Treat-Reintegrate or the PDITR Strategy, aggressive vaccination program, while putting premium to risk-informed and evidence based data to influence decisions and strategies relative to the country’s recovery efforts.
Has Disaster Risk Reduction improved from 2016 till 2021?
From 2016 to 2021, we have seen the increasing risk-centered approaches, including efforts contributing towards increased disaster resilience of infrastructure systems such as implementation of flood control programs and resilient evacuation program.
It is noteworthy that we have scaled up our capacity for preparedness and response towards anticipatory humanitarian actions. We have organized regular drills to test feasibility of disaster response plans, adapt best practices and learn mistakes. Simulation Exercises and Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue were also introduced. To strengthen collaboration among government agencies for disaster response, we have conducted the first ever simulation exercise involving top government officials. This is a historic undertaking in the country and in the ASEAN region.
With the increasing partnerships with Civil Society Organizations, academe, and the private sector as well as the strengthening of capacity building efforts for the LGUs; institutionalization of local DRRM Offices and continuing innovations for resilience such as the development of the GeoRiskPH, we have increased the number of LGUs with risk-informed Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs); the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans (LDRRMPs) have also increased from 72% in 2016 to 80.3% in 2018 to 84.96% in 2020. We have also established permanent emergency operations center and functional and operating early warning systems all over the country during this period.
To build back better from previous disasters, we have also conducted post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) in affected areas. We have developed and adopted the Rehabilitation and Recovery Planning (RRP) guide; including rehabilitation and recovery plans such as the Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Recovery Plans for Marawi and the design and construction of disaster resilient houses and school buildings.
Based on the Philippine Statistics Authority’s SDG Watch (as of 30 March 2020), the number of directly affected persons attributed to disaster per 100,000 population has significantly reduced, from 8,853 in 2016 to 5,218 in 2018. This decreasing trend is one good manifestation, through our collective efforts as a nation, that we are becoming more resilient.
How do we strengthen the integration of DRR and CCA efforts?
With the continuous efforts of the NDRRMC, especially through the recent adoption of the Updated National DRRM Framework and Plan 2020-2030, there is a renewed sense of focus in ensuring and applying integrated risk management by linking DRR, CCA and ecosystem-based approaches. The updated policy document also puts a premium to further mainstream and integrate DRRM and CCA in national, sectoral, regional and local development policies, plans and budget.
Lastly, the NDRRMC will also ensure the active participation of the Climate Change Commission in its future meetings and activities in order to ensure further convergence between the DRRM-CCA agenda of the Philippines.
How do we ensure that we build back better forward from the pandemic?
There is dedication and optimism to undertake further reforms to rebuild a strong and inclusive economy, and to set the stage for “safer, adaptive and disaster resilient Filipino communities toward sustainable development” which will enable the Philippines to thrive in the post-pandemic era.
This can be made possible by ensuring the sustainable growth of the Philippine economy over the long term by adopting disaster and climate- resilient and adaptation strategies since there is no quick solution to the climate crisis. We also need to take into account the lessons learned during the ongoing pandemic in order to build back better forward by remaining steadfast in the implementation of the development plans of the Philippines as well as the recently adopted Updated National DRRM Plan 2020-2030, while we continuously implement the PDITR (Prevent- Detect-Isolate-Treat-Reintegrate) and the nationwide vaccination roll-out strategy to achieve protection control against COVID-19 virus.
Amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, what assistance has been done by the DPWH as the country’s construction arm with the “We Heal as One”?
The DPWH is continuously doing its part to build and install quarantine facilities nationwide to augment in accommodating COVID-19 patients. Dormitories are also being constructed for frontliners as temporary home facilities to have a place to rest after long hours of duty and protect their own families from possible transmission of COVID-19.
Is DPWH taking into consideration the climate change impacts in their design and implementation of infrastructure projects?
Yes, the DPWH is taking into consideration the climate change impacts in the design and implementation of the infrastructure projects such as construction/rehabilitation of Roads, Bridges and Flood Control Structures. There are studies being conducted to determine, incorporate and address the environmental impacts including climate change as early as project conceptualization and finalization of the project design arid construction, such as the Feasibility Studies and Detailed Engineering Design. Also, the DPWH is always in compliance to all environmental guidelines, laws and issued DENR Administrative Orders by securing the necessary clearances and permits and adhere to the conditions before, during construction and operation of the projects.
Is the DPWH implementing projects/programs that will address climate change impacts of water scarcity and/or flooding?
The Rainwater Collection System (RWCS) is a continuous program of DPWH. It is one of the adaptation measures that the DPWH has been implementing to combat Climate Change impacts in relation to water supply. The rainwater collectors have been constructed in public schools, public markets and all DPWH Regional and District Offices. As of June 2021, the total RWCS installed/constructed by the Department is 18,004.
Since our country is frequently visited by strong typhoons and experiences torrential rains which cause calamities and disasters, some of our citizens affected by these impacts need to temporarily vacate their shelter. What are the programs of DPWH to address and to assure affected citizens that they would have a safe and livable place to stay during this hard time?
The DPWH has a continuing program called “Evacuation Center Development Program”. A total amount of Php 11.6 B has been allotted from 2016 to 2020 for the construction of three hundred seventeen (317) Evacuation Centers.
As of December 2020, one hundred seventy (170) Evacuation Centers were completed, one hundred thirty-two (132) Evacuation Centers are on-going construction and fifteen (15) Evacuation Centers are under pre-construction stage.
This would guarantee that our affected citizens would have a place to go in times of calamity and disaster which is safe and livable Evacuation Centers. They are constructed to be resilient, gender-sensitive and compliant to sphere standards, such as separate toilets for male and female, provision of infirmary and pharmacy, breastfeeding room, prayer room, communication room and ramps for persons with disability.
DOE 1 (Renewable Energy or RE Development)
How reliant is the country on renewable energy? How important and urgent is it to transition toward renewable energy as our country’s primary energy source?
Based on the DOE’s 2020 Power Statistics Mix, Renewable Energy (RE) has generated a total of 21,609 GWh or 21% of the total power generation. However, with the implementation of the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) the RE Share by 2030 to country’s generation mix is aimed at 35%. Given the current situation on COVID-19 pandemic, the risk of overdependence on coal-fired power plants that cannot adjust to shifting loads is evident. The inflexibility of coal plants has already increased electricity prices. Thus, a transition to a flexible power source such as RE is vital.
The DOE recognizes the need for a more sustainable power system by promoting the utilization of indigenous and renewable energy resources in order to reduce the country’s dependence on imported fuel. The DOE’s declaration of a moratorium on the endorsement of greenfield coal-fired power plants reflects the country’s need to move towards a more flexible power mix. This is to help build a more sustainable power system that is resilient to structural demand changes, while being flexible enough to accommodate new, cleaner, and indigenous technological innovations.
What is the current state of the renewable energy industry here in the Philippines?
The growth of RE industry from the enactment of the RE Act brought the country’s additional RE installations to a total of 2,338.69 MW from 2009 to 2020, with cost of investments reaching to an estimated amount of PhP221.35 Billion, creating some 142,040 jobs ranging from short-term engagements for the conduct of studies and construction of RE power plants to long term employment for operation and maintenance. 29% of the installed generating capacity of the country in 2020 came from renewables. The influx of solar and wind capacity installations in 2015-2016 was brought about by the implementation of the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) mechanisms.
Collaborative undertakings between government agencies such as the DOE and DA aims to strengthen implementation of policies and promote the use of RE in the agri-fishery sector. All RE policy mechanisms are already in place and the government is continuously working to improve the regulatory and policy foundation for RE project development. Based on the insights and learning gained from the assessment of the implementation of the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) 2011-2030, the DOE in consultation with the NREB, is continuously working to create an enhanced framework and develop more innovative strategies for the NREP 2020-2040 which sets the target of attaining 35% RE in the power generation mix by 2030 and at least 50% by 2040.
What challenges have been encountered in the development of the country’s RE Sector? How do you suggest making it more effective?
Significant developments have been made in terms of the regulatory and policy foundation for RE project development – since all RE Policy Mechanisms are already in place. Some of the challenges experienced that impedes the RE development in the country are as follows:
- Complex Permitting Process
- Mismatch between RE Power Projects and Network Infrastructure Development
- Too little flexibility in the Power System, considering the variability of RE
- Lack of Preferential Bias for RE Power Generation
These challenges, however, are being resolved by the Government. As an example, (1) the EVOSS Law ensures the timely action of relevant agencies in the applications of RE Developers; (2) the DOE also issued Department Circular No. DC2019-10-0013 to streamline the process for the award and administration of RE Contracts; (3) The Competitive RE Zones (CREZ) project was also able to identify 25 Candidate CREZs across the Philippines with an estimated gross capacity of 152 GW of new wind and solar photovoltaics. CREZ is a proactive transmission planning approach that supports investments in large-scale transmission expansions/upgrades to accelerate not only indigenous RE resources but other potential energy resources.
What enabling conditions (e.g. policies, market instruments) may be most effective that can help the country achieve our RE targets?
Indigenous RE resources and private sector investments are central in achieving our RE targets and vision. Practically, all RE market development support mechanisms, both mandatory and voluntary programs, have been put in place and just awaiting the corresponding regulatory frameworks to enable their full implementation. Among these RE Policy Mechanisms include the Renewable Portfolio Standards (both for on-grid and off-grid areas), Green Energy Auction Policy, Green Energy Option Program and the Enhancement to the Net Metering Program.
What are the innovations done by DOST during the last 5 years to ensure that people are safe from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and Climate Change?
For the past five years, PHIVOLCS has developed tools that will aid our people in mitigating the risks of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. One tool is GeoRiskPH Platform, which is a one-stop shop for online hazard and risk assessment through its various Apps such as the HazardHunterPH, GeoAnalyticsPH and GeoMapperPH. This platform and its apps have gained much acceptance among national government agencies, who contribute to the platform’s database, and also among our international development partners.
Another initiative of PHIVOLCS is to develop the Philippine Earthquake Model (PEM) Atlas and the Spectral Acceleration Map of the Philippines (SAMP Ph). These maps aid engineers in designing earthquake resilient buildings and structures. And just recently, PHIVOLCS launched VolcanoPH Info, which is a mobile application that provides the latest volcano information in a very easily accessible format, and the How Safe is My House? Mobile App, which provides a quick easy check for earthquake safety of 1 to 2 storey Concrete Hollow Block buildings.
Meanwhile, PAGASA successfully secured the first ever project funded under the Green Climate Fund, which is a global financial mechanism under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The project is called the Multi-Hazard Impact-Based Forecasting and Early Warning Systems (MH-IBF-EWS). This USD10-million project introduces a transition in weather forecasting paradigm from the traditional “what the weather will be” toward the proactive “what the weather will do.” Instead of forecasting what the hazards can do, the forecast will also convey location- and sector-specific impacts, which can be the basis of immediate risk mitigation actions.
What priority initiatives of DOST made impactful contributions towards making our country disaster and climate resilient?
PHIVOLCS is consistently building its earthquake monitoring capabilities by adding new earthquake observation stations in strategic locations all over the country. In the past five years, PHIVOLCS commissioned 22 satellite telemetered seismic stations, making it to a total of 72 seismic stations. These satellite telemetered seismic stations, and the existing 36 manned stations, are transmitting near real-time earthquake data to PHIVOLCS’ Data Receiving Center in Quezon City and its mirror stations in Tagaytay City and Davao City. PHIVOLCS has also installed a total of 114 intensity meters and 105 strong motion stations since 2016.
PAGASA is also consistently strengthening its Weather monitoring, and its Flood Monitoring, Forecasting and Warning capabilities. As of 30 June 2021, 17 Doppler Radars, 29 High Frequency Doppler (HFDR), and 1 Fixed X-Band Radar were established or installed in strategic areas of the country. The newly-acquired equipment enabled PAGASA to conduct more extensive weather monitoring, such as detecting the direction of rainfall motion. Moreover, PAGASA has also established 15 Flood Forecasting and Warning Centers
How prepared are Filipino communities now in 2021 compared to a decade before in understanding and taking proper actions against earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and weather disturbances?
Filipino communities are certainly more aware and more prepared now than before when it comes to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. This is because of the regular information dissemination campaigns that PHIVOLCS and other NDRRMC agencies are doing. Earthquake drills are organized every quarter, while tsunami drills are organized every year. PHIVOLCS also regularly conducts InfoBit, an online information campaign about earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunami hazards.
PHIVOLCS conducted training on the use of Rapid Earthquake Damage Assessment System (REDAS) software for 11 provinces since 2016. PHIVOLCS also conducted Training on Communicating Volcano, Earthquake and Tsunami Impacts for DepEd Elementary and High School Teachers, and DRR Focal Persons for 11 provinces and 10 cities. Prior to the eruption of Taal Volcano in 2020, PHIVOLCS implemented a collaborative project with Universite de Bruxelles, Belgium in 2015 to 2019 under which lectures and focus group discussions were conducted to communicate the volcano hazards. Evacuation plans were also prepared and volcano evacuation drills were conducted for the 8 vulnerable barangays around Taal Volcano.
PAGASA produces Seasonal Total Rainfall and Seasonal Average Temperature needed by the Local Government Units in formulating their Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP). Since 2018, when PAGASA made these provincial-scale climate projections available, some LGUs have already utilized them, through workshop activities involving PAGASA. Moving forward, PAGASA is developing Extreme Temperature Indices and Extreme Rainfall Indices, useful for assessing possible future risks brought on by extreme weather and climate conditions.
What are the efforts being done by DILG in advocating DRR and in strengthening LGUs in disaster preparedness?
The DILG continuously implemented Programs that increased the disaster-preparedness and resiliency of LGUs particularly in the 47 provinces and their cities/municipalities located in the 18 Major River Basins and in the 28 provinces that are highly-vulnerable to shocks/disasters located in the Eastern Seaboard and with high poverty incidence and magnitude.
We sustained the implementation of "Operation L!STO (Alert) to boost grass-roots level emergency response and rehabilitation. It has three components: (1) L!STONG Pamahalaang Lokal ensuring institutionalized local protocols for disaster preparedness response and monitoring; (2) L!STONG Pamayanan or capacity development interventions from LGUs to be cascaded to the Communities and (3) L!STONG Pamilyang Pilipino focusing on the Family and Household-level preparedness.
We have also developed an Operation LISTO Protocol for Managing Emerging Infectious Diseases to serve as a minimum guide/protocol for LGUs in preventing and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 186,000 copies of Operation LISTO Protocol for Managing of Emerging Infectious Diseases and 12,400 regional-Initiated COVID-19 IEC materials were printed and distributed to all LGUs nationwide.
Our Local Government Units have always been on the front lines. How did the administration assist our LGUs in performing their mandates specifically in safeguarding their constituents in times of disaster?
To capacitate our LGUs, the DILG conducted trainings on:
- Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA)
- Formulation of Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP)
- Quality Assurance System for Barangay Risk Reduction and Management Plan (BRRMP) and
- Mainstreaming CCA-DRR in the Comprehensive Development Plan.
So far, a total of 496 LGU officials and personnel attended the Provincial Convergence and Disaster Resilience Dialogue. DILG also engaged in advocacy campaigns wherein a total of 1,078 LGU Officials and DILG personnel attended the forum on strengthening Disaster Preparedness and Management towards Good Local Governance.
The rehabilitation of Manila Bay made headlines in 2020 due to the continued clean-up drive of the government despite the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the part of the DILG, how did it provide support to this effort?
The DILG has been working closely with the DENR and the DOT as part of the 13 Mandamus Agencies directed to facilitate the cleanup, water quality improvement and overall rehabilitation of Manila Bay. Before the pandemic, the DILG had been leading weekly clean-ups of the Manila Bay shorelines in cooperation with LGUs. We also provided technical assistance to a total of 187 LGUs within the Manila Bay Area in the development of their Sewage and Septage Management Ordinance (SSMO).
A total of 501,181 Commercial Establishments, 7,234 factories, and 3,852,537 Private Homes were also regularly inspected in compliance with the national standard wastewater treatment facilities/septic tanks.
What has the DILG done to prepare and assist the LGUs affected by the Taal Volcano's Alert Level 3?
The DILG has been focusing its efforts on the evacuation of those living near the Taal Volcano Island (TVI) and in the high-risk villages of Agoncillo and Laurel, Batangas due to possible hazards of pyroclastic density currents and volcanic tsunami. More than 3,500 families composed of 14,495 individuals have been evacuated in Batangas province following three phreatomagmatic eruptions of Taal Volcano last July 1.
The DILG CALABARZON Regional Office has activated its Emergency Operations Center to monitor and respond to LGU and citizens’ queries and concerns. An advisory was issued to Batangas and Cavite directing their respective LGUs and/or barangays that may be affected as pronounced by PHIVOLCS surrounding the Taal Volcano to conduct appropriate measures as the need arises.
The CALABARZON police was also placed on red alert to assist these LGUs in undertaking evacuation, rescue, emergency medical services and other related action to affect residents.
DA 1
Ano ang mga pangunahing maipapamana ninyo sa susunod na administrasyon sa larangan ng agrikultura?
Ang maipapamana namin ay ang malaking pagbabago sa serbisyo at tanawin ng Departamento dulot ng bagong batas na Rice Tarriffication Law, pandemya ng Covid, climate change at ang malawakang karalitaan ng mga magsasaka at mangingisda.
- Kaya, binalangkas namin itong bagong polisiya - ang OneDA Framework. Ang OneDA Framework ay may 18 pamamaraan tungo sa consolidation, modernization, industrialization, at professionalization ng agri-fishery sector. Ito ang nakikita naming na makakatulong upang lumago at umunlad ang agri-fishery sector.
Dahil sa OneDA Framework, nagtala tayo ng mataas na produksyon ng palay at mais nitong nakaraang taon; abot-kayang bigas sa merkado; mataas na export ng saging; 90% self-sufficiency sa bigas at sibuyas. Nagbibigay tayo ng binhi, pataba, at mga alagaing hayop; namigay tayo ng irrigation pumps, nagtayo ng mga fish landing centers, fish ports, farm-to-market roads, irrigation canal, at production at post-harvest facilities.
- Dati-rati, ang tulong natin ay pare-pareho sa maling akala na pare-pareho ang pangangailangan ng mga magsasaka. Pero ngayon, ang suportang DA ay base sa pangangailangan ng mga magsasaka upang tunay na maging kapaki-pakinabang ito sa kanila. Ngayong may pandemya, maagap nating naaksyunan ang mga karagdagang suportang kinailangan nila gaya ng libreng irigasyon, mga bangka, at mga tulong pinansyal.
- Ang bawa’t Pilipino ay may mai-aambag sa food security kaya pinag-igting natin ang mga lumang programa kagaya na lamang ng home gardening at urban gardening sa pamamagitan ng ating Plant, Plant, Plant Program. Sa ilalim ng programang ito, naisulong nating maitaas ang agri-fishery output ng ating bansa dahil sa ang paggamit ng mga makabagong teknolohiya.
DA 2
Dahil sa malalakas na bagyo, madalas na tagtuyot at pabago-bagong panahon, hindi na makapagtanim sa dating mga araw. Ano po ang maitutulong ng DA dito?
Unang-una, ginawa nating regular na serbisyo ng Kagawaran sa pamamagitan ng ating mga Regional Field Offices ang maagap na pagbibigay ng regular at special na abiso tungkol sa panahon at ang mga karampatang gagawin upang maiwasan ang pagsasayang ng binhi, abono, pestisidyo at iba pa, maisalba ang ating ani o maiwasan ang sakuna ‘pag masama ang panahon.
Tatlong klase po itong mga abiso. Ang 10-day weather advisory ay nagbibigay ng payo tungkol sa gawaing bukid upang maiwasan ang pagsayang ng abono, pestisidyo, at iba pang inputs sa agrikultura. Ang seasonal weather forecast naman ang nagbibigay ng abiso tungkol sa darating na tagtuyot o mga bagyo at ang mga paghahanda para rito. Ang special weather forecast o abiso ay tungkol sa bagyong parating o andyan na at mga payo tungkol sa pagsalba ng ani, atbp.
Gawa ng pagbibigay natin ng maagap at tamang abiso, mahigit na P32 billion ang halaga ng ani ang naisalba natin sa Bagyong Rolly at Ulysses. Pinag-igting din natin ang serbisyo ng Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation, Inc. (PCIC) kaya dumami ang mga magsasaka na may crop insurance na sasagot sa pinsala dulot ng bagyo o sakuna sa kanilang pananim, mga alagang hayop, makinarya, at mismong sa kanila.
DA 3
Sa simula po ng pandemya nung nakaraang taon, ang laking news po na nagkaproblema ang mga magsasaka sa pagtitinda nila ng mga ani. Ano pong tulong ang nagawa ng DA dito?
Tayo po ay nagtayo ng sistema na maisiguro na tama ang distribusyon ng sapat at abot-kayang pagkain sa bawat rehiyon ng bansa. Alam natin kung aling rehiyon ang sagana at sobra ang ani sa pangangailangan nila at aling rehiyon naman ang may kakulangan. Kaya ang ginagawa natin ay tulungang madala ang sobrang ani sa rehiyon na nangangailangan. Nagtatag tayo ng mga Kadiwa Centers sa pamamagitan ng “Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita” Program. Ito ay kung saan ang mga angkat na produkto mula sa mga magsasaka ay inilalako sa mga lugar na madaling puntahan ng mga mamimili sa panahon na may enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).
Ang Kadiwa Centers ay direktang uma-angkat ng mga produkto sa mga grupo ng magsasaka at mga Farmers Cooperatives o Associations (FCAs) lamang hindi po sa individual farmer. Kaya’t mahalaga po na ang ating mga magsasaka ay maging kasapi ng asosasyon o kooperatiba upang maging mas madali ang pagdadala ng produksyon sa mga direktang merkado, nang sa gayon ay makakuha ng magandang presyo. Dahil din sa physical restrictions dulot ng pandemya, mas pinaigting pa natin ang Kadiwa Program sa pagkakaroon ng Kadiwa Online at Kadiwa on Wheels.
DA 4
May special na programa ang DA sa climate change na tinatawag na Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture o AMIA. Paano po makakalahok dito ang mga magsasaka?
Sa AMIA program, ino-organisa namin ang mga magsasaka na magkakadatig ang mga bukid. Kasama ang mga na-organisang magsasaka at mga tauhan ng Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO) sa pagkilala ng mga posibleng masamang dulot ng climate change tulad ng baha, tagtuyot atbp at pagplano kung anong magandang gawin sa bukid nila para tumaas ang ani kahit may climate change. Tinuturuan din sila ng naaangkop na pamamaraan ng pagsasaka at iba pang pagkakakitaan sa bukid tulad ng pagbababuyan, pagmamanukan at marami pang iba. Namimigay ang DA ng binhi at mga alagaing hayop, tinutulungan sila sa pag-access ng credit, crop insurance at ibang pang suporta na pwedeng ibigay ng DA na naaangkop sa kanilang pangangailangan. Kung gusto po ninyong sumali, kausapin po ninyo ang inyong MAO at sya ang kumausap sa AMIA focal ng RFO.
Kung hindi pa po kayo makakasali, ang maipapayo namin ay kayo ay mag-diversify ng produkto. Ibig sabihin, kung kayo ay nagtatanim ng palay lamang sa ngayon, mag-alaga rin kayo ng hayop na pwedeng ipagbili tulad ng manok, kambing o di kaya magtanim ng gulay. Mas maigi po na mayroon kayong iba’t-ibang pinagkakakitaan, para kung nasira ng bagyo halimbawa ang inyong pananim, mayroon pa rin kayong kita sa mga hayop o ibang halaman.
DA 5
Ang laging malaking problema namin kung tag-ani ay ang pagbagsak ng presyo sa dami ng sabay-sabay mag-ani. Nalulugi tuloy ang mga magsasaka. Ano po ang ginagawa ng Kagawaran para tuluyan ng mawala ang problemang ito?
Ang DA ay nag-coconsolidate ng mga farmers o nag-fefederate ng mga coops na iisa ang produkto sa pamamagitan ng Bayanihan Agri-Clusters program. Kailangan kasi na ang mga magsasaka ay kasama sa pagtakda ng presyo ng kanilang produkto. Ito ay possible lamang kung maramihan ang tinda. At ang pagpatakbo natin nitong mga consolidated farms na ito ay bilang negosyo na ang mag-mamanage ay professionals. Marunong ang mga professional sa pagkuha ng mahusay na presyo sa mga produkto at marunong din silang magpalago ng negosyo. Sa unang taon, ang DA ang magpapasuweldo sa kanila at magtatakda ng mga gagawin nila. Pag nakamit nila ang antas na nilagay ng DA, ang suweldo nila ay manggaling na sa negosyo at ito ay base sa husay ng pagpapatakbo ng negosyo. Sa simula ay mukhang imposible, subalit nagawa na po ang konseptong ito sa ibang mga bansa.
How do we promote resiliency in Metro Manila?
Resiliency in Metro Manila is a challenge. However the MMDA, with and through the local government units and citizens of the Region, is conducting various activities to address issues on resiliency.
Aside from the provision of disaster risk reduction management trainings, the Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan for the NCR was developed in 2020 to identify responses and strategies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, there is the need to update this plan to strengthen and further incorporate the experiences of the past year and ways forward in transition to the “new normal.”
What are the efforts of Metro Manila in terms of solid wastes and flood control during the pandemic?
The MMDA is regularly conducting activities on dredging, de-clogging and desilting especially to support the Manila Bay Rehabilitation. Through this endeavor, the MMDA was able to collect 87,064.66 cubic meters of garbage along the coastline of the Manila Bay until April 2021.
Likewise, the Solid Waste Granulator and Brick Making Facility was inaugurated last March 18, 2021. This is to reduce the solid wastes going to landfills and process these into by-products such as eco-bricks and hollow blocks.
Why is social protection important as a key investment for strengthening resilience?
Climate change impacts like the occurrence of devastating typhoons cause losses to families and communities. The poor and most vulnerable bear the burden of these losses. Disasters destroy the few remaining assets of the poor.
Social protection as a response can help in poverty alleviation and prevent more people from falling into poverty. It helps protect and manage a household’s vulnerability from slipping towards poverty because of natural and human-induced risks. Addressing poverty and building resilience are interlinked and mutually reinforcing, allowing the promotion of economic growth and management of disaster and climate risks.
What are the potential advantages of utilizing cash-for-work modality in operationalizing the DSWD Risk Resiliency Program?
Cash-for-work (CFW) used as a modality in social safety net programs can potentially address basic needs, prevent harmful coping mechanisms, reduce the impact of natural hazards and promote climate change adaptation, mitigation, and community-based disaster risk reduction. It helps as well in enhancing livelihoods resilience to shocks and crises and thus address food security in the medium and long term.
While the financial resources provided by the cash-for-work program are short-term in nature, the positive results can sustain far beyond the end of program activities. Cash-for-work creates secondary economic benefits that allow people greater choice and control over how they will rebuild their lives, thus helping restore their dignity and livelihoods. CFW approach empowers the beneficiaries since direct cash transfers provide a flexible source to the affected families and enables them to spend money according to their needs and priorities. Cash earned through cash-for-work activities can help break debt cycles, ultimately reducing the poverty and poverty gap ratio. Cash-for-work activities can involve large numbers of the population. It can be designed to encourage the integration and participation of women and other marginalized groups in an area, thus benefiting the entire community. It helps restore a sense of confidence to the beneficiaries by getting them involved in development activities.
What specific needs of the families and communities were addressed by the cash-for-work program or modality under the Risk Resiliency Program?
The Risk Resiliency Program thru Cash-for-Work provides short-term income support to poor, vulnerable men and women so they can meet their essential needs, build or rehabilitate public/community/natural assets that are vital for sustaining the livelihoods of a community, and address climate and disaster resilience gaps.
The result of the Risk Resiliency Program thru Cash-for-Work Activities evaluation survey conducted last year showed a large percentage of the beneficiaries utilized their cash-for-work income in purchasing essential needs like food, used it in buying school materials for their children, and some used it as an additional capital fund for their small-scale businesses or income-generating activities.
What were the considerations in selecting the Risk Resiliency Program cash-for-work beneficiaries?
In selecting beneficiaries, we take into consideration those that reside in the target areas specified in the CCAM-DRR Cabinet Roadmap. These are the poor families whose income falls below the poverty threshold, and/or those who cannot provide their basic needs and other amenities of life on a sustained basis. These beneficiaries are the identified Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps member; classified as poor under the Listahanan; and neither beneficiaries of 4Ps nor included in the Listahanan, but families who are identified as poor, vulnerable, and marginalized families upon assessment, verification, and validation of the Local Government Unit.
We consider that activities must be gender-sensitive and should be suitable for both men and women. We also ensure that physically and socially vulnerable groups are given lighter tasks that do not require heavy labor. In the case of the elderly/disabled/lactating women, they are allowed to select from the community to perform their work for them if no one in their family is able to handle the physical toll.
How do hospitals and other health facilities respond to the increasing medical waste due to COVID-19 response?
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major shifts in terms of how healthcare services are delivered. Waste management must be given due priority to address the increase in the generation of hazardous wastes, especially infectious wastes related to COVID-19, as well as to ensure the welfare of all users of health care facilities.
The hospitals and other health facilities shall ensure the correct handling, collection, transport and storage of health care waste. The health facilities must also use safe and environmentally-sound waste treatment methods. Some of the new environmentally- friendly technologies for health care waste treatment include microwave and ozone for sterilization, and alkaline hydrolysis and supercritical water oxidation for treating chemical and pharmaceutical wastes.
What are the DOH strategies to reduce the medical waste such as used PPEs in response to COVID-19?
The Department of Health (DOH) seeks to reshape our health care facilities to reduce their environmental footprint and participate in leading the national movement for environmental health and justice through reduction of waste. One major component is proper Health Care Waste Management, especially now that the response to the COVID-19 pandemic results in the health care waste surge. A conduct of waste audit in our hospitals will aid in understanding the culture in the facilities regarding waste generation and translate them into reduction of waste.
The update of the Health Care Waste Management Manual was also released, in time with the DOH’s series of issuances on infection prevention and control measures (including waste management) for health facilities, especially for those that have been designated as COVID-19 referral and accepting hospitals, and temporary treatment and monitoring facilities (TTMF).
What are the actions taken to ensure that the hospital is a safe, sustainable and resilient health facility?
Green and safe health facility development was pursued taking into account the required integration with related policies and initiatives in accordance with the Universal Health Care (UHC) law. In 2019, the DOH issued advisories to encourage health facilities to seek green certification of their infrastructure projects, as well as for DOH facilities to ensure green procurement regimes as was already provided as policy. At the conclusion of the 17th Congress, the country also saw a robust enactment of 31 legislations for the upgrading and expansion of health facilities in the country. This provided the DOH, through its Health Facility Development
Bureau, the opportunity to include directives toward green and safe building in the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the concerned DOH facilities, and the encouragement of the same as part of technical assistance to concerned local government health facilities.
Through the Green and Safe Health Facilities Program, the DOH encourages health facilities to incorporate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in facilities. Safe, sustainable and resilient health infrastructure is essential to the country’s goal of reducing the supply gaps in health facilities.