Legal Issuances


DENR Administrative Order 2009-04

  • Creation of the Climate Change Office under the Office of the Secretary
 img dao2016 13  DENR Administrative Order No. 2016-13
  • Reconstituting and Institutionalizing the Climate Change Office (DAO 2009-04) to be called the Climate Change Service (CCS), in the Office of the DENR Secretary.
 img eo43  Executive Order 43, Series of 2011: Pursuing Our Social Contract with the Filipino People through the reorganization of the Cabinet Clusters
  • Organized the Cabinet into five thematic clusters. One of the cabinet clusters is on integrity of the environment and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM), where the DENR was assigned as lead department.
 img eo2017 24  Executive Order 24, Series of 2017: Reorganization of Cabinet Clusters System
  • Reorganizes the cabinet clusters system; the Cabinet Cluster on CCAM became the Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction Cluster (CCAM-DRR).

Overview and history

The responsibilities given to the DENR by Republic Act 9729 or Climate Change Act, the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), the Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCAM-DRR), and the National Budget Memorandum 14 underscore the need for an organizational structure within the DENR to ensure focus on the following:              

  1. Climate change issues/areas of concern
  2. Climate proofing of DENR policies, programs, and projects
  3. Monitoring of DENR climate change-related programs, the CCAM-DRR Roadmap, and the Program Convergence Budget for the member-agencies of the Cabinet Cluster on CCAM-DRR
  4. Oversight function in DENR’s various climate change-related concerns
  5. Establishment and maintenance of the information management system on climate change risks, activities, and investments in collaboration with other concerned national government agencies (NGAs), institutions, and local government units (LGUs)

Since 2016, the DENR Climate Change Service operates under the Office of the Undersecretary for Climate Change and Mining Concerns, headed by a Director.