by Eireene Jairee Gomez | Manila TImes

ON Friday, Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu said the dredging activities in one of the three priority sandbars along the Cagayan River is on track and will be completed by July this year.

"We are pressing on to stay on track despite the roadblocks brought about by the onset of the rainy season and the logistical hurdles posed by the coronavirus pandemic. But we are pushing forward to finish clearing the sandbar in Lal-lo, Cagayan by the second or third week of July," said Cimatu, who is also the chairperson of Task Force Build Back Better.

He said the task force had already dredged 253,743 cubic meters or 74 percent of 44,304 cubic meters that make up the 11.4-hectare sandbar in Lal-lo, Cagayan.

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